13 Customer Profiles You Need to Know About Now!

Understanding the identity and expectations of the internal and external customer, along with their potential advocacy roles, represents a valuable yet often underutilised resource for enhancing sales performance.

Internally, stakeholders encompass employees, management, and shareholders, each with unique perspectives and contributions.

Internal stakeholders become invaluable allies in driving sales success by recognising their expectations, addressing concerns, and empowering them to advocate for the business.

Externally, stakeholders include end users, suppliers, partners, and the community at large.

Their expectations shape market perceptions and influence purchasing decisions.

By cultivating positive relationships, addressing their needs, and leveraging their advocacy, businesses can enhance brand reputation and increase sales opportunities.

Furthermore, engaging external stakeholders in collaborative initiatives and feedback fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the business’s success.

Taking a comprehensive approach to stakeholder management involves identifying key stakeholders, understanding their expectations, and nurturing relationships to unlock their potential as advocates.

By tapping into this often untapped resource, businesses can amplify their market impact, improve sales performance, and drive sustainable growth.

This holistic strategy ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and actively contribute to the business’s success, creating positive outcomes throughout the market ecosystem.

Below are 13 Customer Types you need to explore to determine how each can become an advocate for your business:
  1. Internal stakeholders may include:

    • Employees
    • Management
    • Shareholders
    • Board of Directors
    • Contractors/Consultants
  2. External stakeholders may include:

    • End-users
    • Partnerships/Alliances
    • Suppliers/Vendors
    • Affiliates
    • Investors/Financiers
    • Regulatory bodies/Government agencies
    • Local communities/Residents

In summary, every customer type within your business model holds the potential to become a powerful advocate for your brand.

However, realising this potential requires a strategic approach to creating an attractive proposition that aligns with each customer’s needs and expectations.

To effectively engage end users as advocates, it’s essential to consider the value proposition, investment required, benefits, expectations, and overall customer experience encapsulated as the Customer VIBE.

  1. Value Proposition: The value proposition for each customer type should address their specific pain points, desires, and motivations. For example, employees may seek career growth opportunities or a positive work environment, while customers may prioritise product quality, affordability, or convenience.

  2. Investment Required: Customers must perceive the investment required to advocate for their business as worthwhile. This investment may include time, effort, or resources spent promoting your brand or providing feedback. Offering incentives, rewards, or recognition can encourage customers to invest in advocating for your business.

  3. Benefits: Communicate the benefits of advocacy to each customer type. Employees may benefit from increased job satisfaction, recognition, or career advancement opportunities. As advocates, customers may enjoy exclusive discounts, rewards, or early access to new products or services.

  4. Expectations: Set clear expectations regarding what advocacy entails for each customer type. This may include sharing positive reviews, referring new customers, participating in feedback sessions, or representing your brand at events. Aligning expectations helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a mutually beneficial relationship.

  5. Experience: Customers’ overall experience engaging with your brand is crucial in their willingness to advocate for your business. Provide exceptional customer service, personalised interactions, and seamless experiences across all touchpoints. Foster a sense of community, belonging, and empowerment among advocates.

Tailoring the value proposition, investment required, benefits, expectations, and customer experience to each customer type’s unique preferences and motivations is critical to effectively engaging them as advocates for your business.

Here’s how these factors may vary for different customer types:
  • Employees: The value proposition may include career advancement opportunities. The investment required could involve attending training sessions or participating in internal advocacy programs. Benefits may consist of recognition or bonuses. Expectations may involve promoting company culture, and the experience should be supportive and inclusive.

  • Customers: The value proposition may focus on product quality. The investment required could entail sharing positive reviews or referring friends. Benefits may include discounts or rewards. Expectations may involve providing feedback or participating in loyalty programs. The experience should be seamless and rewarding.

  • Suppliers/Vendors: The value proposition may revolve around long-term partnerships. The investment required could involve promoting your brand to their network. Benefits may include preferential treatment or co-marketing opportunities. Expectations may involve maintaining quality standards, and the experience should be collaborative and mutually beneficial.

  • Investors/Financiers: The value proposition may centre on potential returns and growth opportunities. The investment required could involve advocating for your business in their investment network. Benefits may include financial rewards or equity stakes. Expectations may affect transparency and regular updates, and the experience should inspire confidence and trust.

In conclusion, understanding each customer type’s unique needs and motivations and tailoring the value proposition, investment required, benefits, expectations, and customer experience accordingly is essential for effectively engaging them as advocates for your business.

By fostering mutually beneficial relationships and providing compelling incentives, companies can cultivate a loyal base of advocates who contribute to their success and growth.

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